The innovetion you cannot miss, all in one place.
Retailer, Industry, Consulting, Start-Up, Provider are the players Retail Hub deals with through the activities such as information, updates, networking, study, experimentation and go to market.
Retail Hub collects and analyzes the best start-ups in the international scene, codes them and supports them in their go to market. Retail Hub‘s clients thus have the opportunity to have a constant and continuous contamination with innovation in retail.
Our founder Leandro went to them to tell the story of Meteosales, how it was born until its realization and how it is able to innovate the retail sector.
Retail Hub surprised by the story and potential of MeteoSales dedicates a post on their social, describing us as an innovative startup.
“In 2021 Leandro de Aguiar decides to be a weekend rider to study user behavior influenced by weather. In October 2021 he founds MeteoSales.
MeteoSales is an innovative startup that thanks to its online platform and virtual assistant bassed on Ai analyzes consumer trends and preferences based on the weather conditions of the moment.”